Fairfax Bank Fraud Defense Lawyers
Experienced Lawyers for Bank Fraud Charges in Fairfax, Virginia
Banks are powerful institutions. If you face charges of bank fraud, getting in touch with an experienced criminal defense lawyer is an absolute must for protecting your freedoms. Whether you are being prosecuted at the state or federal level, successfully fighting a charge of bank fraud requires a full investigation that a dedicated attorney can carry out.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, our criminal defense lawyers have decades' worth of combined experience, and we use our shared insights to advocate for the rights of our clients. We are ready to fight bank fraud charges and other allegations of white collar crime on your behalf. No matter how complex the case, we will put up a thorough defense every time.
Fraudulent Checks
Issuing bad checks is one of the most common instances of bank fraud. If you are accused of this crime, the prosecution must prove that you had the "intent to defraud," meaning that you knowingly attempted to deprive another person of money for your own gain. This typically involves making out a check without having the funds in your account to pay for it or falsifying a check with a bank where you do not have an account.
This offense is charged as larceny in Virginia, which is penalized based on the value of the items obtained with a fraudulent check. If the checks were valued below $1,000, then you will be charged with petit larceny, which is prosecuted as a Class 1 misdemeanor and punishable by a year of jail time, plus possible fines and restitution to the victim. For checks worth $1,000 or more, you can be charged with a Class 6 felony, which may lead to a sentence of one to five years of prison upon conviction.
Drafting or knowingly submitting ("uttering") falsified documents for the purposes of bank fraud is a crime under Virginia law, with different penalties depending on what was forged. Some of these crimes include:
- Forging bank notes. Creating unauthorized reproductions of coins or bills or attempting to distribute falsified coins or bank notes is a Class 4 felony, with a prison sentence of two to 10 years following a conviction and a possible fine of $100,000.
- Forging public records. The production or utterance of a falsified legal document is prosecuted as a Class 4 felony in Virginia.
- Other forgeries. Securing another person's signature under false pretenses or forging other writings "to the prejudice of another's right" is a Class 5 felony, punishable by one to 10 years in prison upon a conviction.
Federal Bank Fraud
A charge of federal bank fraud comes with significant, life-altering penalties if you are found guilty. The federal government can get involved in any case that involves an attempt to defraud a financial institution. Because the statute is so broad in its wording, the federal government can easily escalate a state charge to a federal charge. If convicted, you could be fined up to $1 million, and you may be imprisoned for no more than 30 years.
It goes without saying that a conviction for this offense should be avoided at all costs. If you are questioned by federal authorities, you should exercise your right to an attorney as well as your right to remain silent.
Meet With a Fairfax, VA Bank Fraud Defense Attorney
If you have been accused of bank fraud in Virginia, your financial security and personal liberties may be at risk. At Robinson Law, PLLC, we are ready to represent you in cases involving bank fraud and other financial crimes. To schedule a free consultation with our firm today, call us at 703-844-3746 or reach out to us online.

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