Fairfax Tax Evasion Defense Attorneys
Devoted Virginia Attorneys Defending Against Charges of Tax Evasion in Fairfax
Failing to pay your taxes or falsifying your tax returns in Virginia is a serious crime. Defending against a charge of tax evasion requires a thorough examination of the paper trail, which is best done with the help of a criminal defense attorney who has experience handling financial crimes.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers are ready to protect your rights in court, no matter how serious the charges you are facing. We can procure tax records on your behalf and consult with financial experts to build a comprehensive defense. With over 50 years of combined experience, our team of legal professionals has the skill and the knowledge to defend against allegations of tax evasion.
What Constitutes Tax Evasion?
Tax evasion may refer to any actions taken to avoid paying taxes you owe to the government. This crime can take different forms, such as underreporting your income, exaggerating your deductions, hiding wealth in foreign bank accounts, or falsifying documents. This crime can be charged at the state or federal level, depending on whether or not the IRS gets involved. The law measures intent with tax evasion, meaning that you cannot be convicted of this crime for an honest mistake in reporting your income.
Tax Evasion Charges at the State Level
Tax evasion comes with civil and criminal penalties in Virginia, with different punishments depending on the nature of the offense. If you are found guilty of filing a fraudulent return, you will have to pay back 100% of what you owe, as well as any penalties and interest. Criminal penalties for this offense include a fine of up to $2,500 and up to a year in jail.
In addition, if you are accused of submitting a "fraudulent return or statement with intent to evade," on behalf of a corporation, you can be charged with a Class 6 felony, which carries a possible $2,500 fine and one to five years in prison.
Tax Evasion Charges at the Federal Level
If you are investigated by the IRS for tax evasion, you could face much more serious penalties. Federal tax evasion is a felony offense, punishable by a fine of $100,000 for individuals and $500,000 for corporations, along with up to five years in federal prison. A judge may decide to enforce either or both of these punishments at his or her discretion.
Defenses Against Accusations of Tax Evasion
A conviction for tax evasion can destroy your reputation and leave you in dire straits financially. As such, it is in your best interests to seek out a criminal defense lawyer who can argue for an optimal sentence in your case. In private discussions with your lawyer, you can work out a credible defense. Some of these arguments may include:
- You had no intent to defraud the Commonwealth or the federal government.
- The investigating authorities made an error in procedure.
- There is not enough evidence to suggest you committed a crime.
- Your constitutional rights were violated in the events leading up to your arrest or criminal charges.
Our attorneys will go to great lengths to reduce the impact of a conviction on your life. We can file a motion to suppress evidence and negotiate with the prosecution to protect your best interests.
Meet With a Fairfax, VA Tax Evasion Defense Lawyer
There is much at stake for your personal freedoms and your finances when you are facing a charge of tax evasion. If you are under investigation for submitting a fraudulent tax return or failing to pay your taxes, it is important to seek out strong legal representation. At Robinson Law, PLLC, we have experience litigating white collar crimes, and we have earned over 350 5-star reviews for our excellent advocacy and legal counsel. To schedule a free consultation today, call our offices at 703-844-3746 or contact our attorneys online.

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