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Fairfax, Virginia Rear-End Accident Lawyers

Lawyers Helping Rear-End Collision Victims in Fairfax

Rear-end accidents account for thousands of car wrecks in Virginia per year, and they are one of the most common types of collisions. If you have been injured in a rear-end accident, you have a right to take legal action against the driver who struck you. A car accident attorney can help you recover the compensation you rightfully deserve through a personal injury claim.

At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys are ready to give you a voice in negotiations with insurance companies. We investigate the rear-end accident from all angles, analyzing the crash to obtain hard evidence of the other driver's fault. Our attorneys will fight to hold irresponsible drivers responsible for their reckless conduct, making sure that your injuries do not go unaddressed.

What Causes Rear-End Accidents?

All too often, rear-end accidents are the result of a driver failing to exercise caution, or in some cases, making deliberately dangerous choices. Common causes include:

  • Reckless Driving: Impatient drivers may engage in tailgating, which can lead directly to an accident when the car in front of them comes to a stop.
  • Excessive Speeding: When one driver goes much faster than the regular flow of traffic, the risk of a rear-end collision is increased.
  • Distracted Driving: A driver who takes his or her eyes off the road may not be able to respond to a sudden slowdown in traffic in time. In many cases, drivers end up distracted by their cell phones.
  • Drunk Driving: Intoxicated drivers will often experience delayed reactions and poor coordination, which can affect their ability to hit the brakes in time.

Our attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation to pinpoint the cause of a rear-end collision, as well as proof of the other driver's blame for the crash. As part of our investigation, we may gather witness statements, recover any camera footage from the incident, and note any evidence from the scene like debris or tire marks.

Compensation for Rear-End Accidents

In Virginia, you have two years to file a claim for damages sustained in a rear-end accident. When you work with Robinson Law, PLLC, we will make sure that your claim is correctly filed before the deadline. Furthermore, out of respect for your time and your need for an urgent remedy, we will fight against any unreasonable delays from the insurance company, making sure that you receive a timely response.

But what exactly can a claim for your injuries address? Our lawyers can help you recover compensation for economic and non-economic damages after a rear-end collision, including your medical expenses, any losses to your income and wages, property damage, your physical pain, and your mental anguish.

Insurance adjusters might try to prey on your ignorance by offering a settlement that only covers some of your damages, but we can give you a full picture of what your claim is worth. For this reason, it is important that you visit a medical professional as soon as you are able to after a rear-end accident so that your injuries and any health complications are addressed. Without documentation from a healthcare provider, an insurance company will likely attempt to avoid paying for the full extent of your damages.

Meet With a Fairfax Rear-End Accident Attorney

If you have been hurt in a rear-end accident, a skilled car accident lawyer can help you get back on your feet. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers will aggressively argue for a settlement that fairly redresses you for your injuries. If the insurance company refuses to settle, we have no qualms against arguing your case in court. To schedule a free consultation with our Fairfax attorneys today, call our offices at 703-844-3746 or contact us online.


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Fairfax Location

10486 Armstrong St
Fairfax, VA 22030

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