Fairfax, VA Public Transportation Injury Attorneys
Skilled Virginia Lawyers for Public Transit Accidents in Fairfax
People tend to place a higher degree of trust in public transit authorities. We assume that these authorities are well-trained and exercise a meticulous degree of caution when it comes to protecting their passengers and other people. However, when that bond of trust is violated and people get hurt, holding the right people accountable can be a struggle.
If you have been injured in an accident with a public bus, train, or another form of public transportation, you deserve a proper remedy for your damages. A Fairfax personal injury attorney at Robinson Law, PLLC can help you take legal action against the government authorities or other parties who were at fault for the accident, making sure that your rights are upheld in negotiations for compensation.
Damages in a Public Transportation Accident
Compensation for your injuries after a bus or train accident can cover more than just your hospital bills. Depending on the extent of your injuries, you could be paid back for the following damages and possibly more:
- Lost earnings from time taken off from work
- Damage to your property
- Any decrease to your earning capacity after your injury
- Pain resulting from the injury
- Mental trauma caused by the accident and/or injury
Not all damages in a personal injury claim can be easily quantified. A skilled attorney at Robinson Law, PLLC can give you a fair assessment of what your claim is worth based on all of the ways you have been affected. We will fight back against any lowball settlement offers, as we always aggressively advocated for full compensation for our clients.
What Is Sovereign Immunity?
Government entities are afforded special protections in Virginia known as sovereign immunity. Under this doctrine, the government cannot be sued in personal injury claims except under specific circumstances. Exceptions to sovereign immunity are made in cases of clear negligence, such as a bus driver who hits a pedestrian while ignoring traffic lights. Our lawyers know how to demonstrate that a government entity is responsible for your injuries, and we will make sure the right measures are taken to secure the compensation you deserve.
Proving Negligence in Public Transit Accidents
Another hurdle you will have to overcome in a personal injury claim against a public transit authority is the law of contributory negligence. Unlike most other states, Virginia prohibits plaintiffs from suing for damages if the plaintiff was even one percent at fault for the accident. Under contributory negligence, you will be compensated for all or nothing in your claim.
The stakes are higher in these cases, as you will have to prove that the public transit operator was fully to blame and that there was nothing you could have done to prevent the accident. Even if you cannot refute claims that you were partially at fault, you may still have an avenue for a successful claim if you can prove that the other party had a clear chance to avoid the accident.
A personal injury attorney can be an invaluable asset for building an airtight claim. At Robinson Law, PLLC, we will carry out a thorough investigation into the accident, documenting any and all evidence of fault on the part of the public transit authority. Our attorneys can get witness statements, CCTV footage, photographs, and other vital proof to support your claim. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to identify other liable parties, such as the vehicle manufacturers or the local or state government responsible for maintaining the road.
Meet With a Skilled Fairfax, Virginia Bus/Train Accident Lawyer
Filing a claim against a public transportation authority or another government organization can be difficult, but it is by no means impossible. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys believe in enforcing justice, no matter how powerful the defendant. We will not relent until we have secured maximum compensation for your damages. To schedule a free consultation with our team of legal professionals, call our offices at 703-844-3746 or contact us online.

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