Falls Church Criminal Defense Attorneys
Aggressive Lawyers Helping Clients Address Criminal Charges in Falls Church, Virginia
If you have been arrested on criminal charges in Virginia, you could face life-ruining penalties ranging from massive fines to years upon years of prison time. You may face prejudice from law enforcement and prosecutors who will seek out the maximum sentence for your offense, regardless of your innocence or guilt. When you find yourself surrounded by adversaries in the justice system, a criminal defense attorney can be your strongest ally.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys have over 50 years of combined experience defending against criminal charges in court, with a proven history of getting sentences reduced or dismissed. As a former prosecutor, Attorney Michael Robinson knows how the courts will try your case, informing his robust defense strategies.
Theft and Larceny
There are two tiers of theft in Virginia, as follows:
- Petit larceny, which applies to the theft of property valued under $1,000. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor which is punishable by a 12-month jail sentence and/or a maximum fine of $2,500.
- Grand larceny, which applies to the theft of property valued at $1,000 or more. This is a felony offense which is punishable by one to 20 years in prison and a possible fine of up to $2,500. Furthermore, the theft of a firearm will always result in felony charges, regardless of the gun's monetary value.
Shoplifting or altering merchandise to pay less than the retail price will result in larceny charges, and a conviction for shoplifting may include community service and/or restitution in addition to the regular misdemeanor or felony penalties.
Traffic Violations and Reckless Driving
Northern Virginia is notoriously frustrating to drive in, and sometimes, you can be ticketed for seemingly innocuous driving behaviors during your regular commute, such as speeding to keep up with traffic. Your natural impulse may be to pay the ticket and forget about it, but this may do more harm than good in the long run. Paying a ticket is considered an automatic admission of guilt, and it may come back to haunt you later if you get more tickets, resulting in a suspended license.
If you are charged with a traffic violation, you should consult with a defense attorney to understand your options to contest the ticket. We will fight to get the ticket dropped from your driving record or at least reduce the fines and other penalties.
Reckless driving is a more serious violation, prosecuted as a Class 1 misdemeanor rather than a minor ticket. You can be charged with reckless driving for several different violations, such as excessive speeding, failing to signal, racing, passing on a curve, or illegally passing a school bus. Because this offense carries potential jail time, you should consult with a criminal defense attorney who can strategize with you to have the sentence reduced as much as possible.
Juvenile Offenses
If you or your child has been convicted of a juvenile offense, do not assume that the slate is wiped clean at age 18. In Virginia, a misdemeanor offense committed as a juvenile will remain on your record until you turn 19 or five years after the crime, whichever comes first. However, felony offenses will stay on your criminal record even if you were convicted as a juvenile. A criminal record can affect your employment prospects out of high school as well as your college applications, so it is critical that you retain a defense attorney who can protect your future.
Meet With a Falls Church, VA Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you have been arrested in Falls Church, the police will be in contact with the prosecutors to start building their case against you. A criminal defense lawyer at Robinson Law, PLLC can be your best advocate during this stressful time, making sure that your rights are spoken for. We have garnered over 350 5-star reviews from past clients who can attest to our strong defense in court. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 703-844-3746 or reach out to our office online.

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