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Fairfax, VA Truck Accident Attorneys for Driver Fatigue

Aggressive Virginia Lawyers for Injured Victims of Fatigued Truck Drivers in Fairfax

Fatigued driving is one of the leading causes of truck wrecks across the U.S. If you or somebody you love has been injured by a fatigued truck driver, you can take legal action to get financial relief for your damages. A truck accident lawyer can be your best advocate, assisting you throughout the process of filing a personal injury claim.

At Robinson Law, PLLC, our Fairfax attorneys will fight for your right to maximum compensation after a motor vehicle collision. We believe in holding fatigued truck drivers and their employers accountable for the harm they have caused. We will not relent until we have done everything we can to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf.

The Causes Behind Fatigued Driving

Our attorneys do not accept things at face value. Instead, we are interested in getting to the heart of any given accident, uncovering all of the facts so that we can build a stronger case for your right to compensation. Our investigative process involves evidence collection and taking witness statements so that we can identify a truck driver's fault in the wreck. During this process, we may uncover the reason for the driver's fatigue, which could help your claim. Possible reasons behind these accidents may include:

  • Overworked Employees. Commercial drivers such as delivery drivers or truckers will often be on the road for long hours, gradually wearing down their senses until an accident is almost inevitable. Depending on the circumstances, the driver's employer could be held partially liable for the crash.
  • Medication. Certain medications induce drowsiness as a side effect, leading to impairment behind the wheel.
  • Medical Conditions. Someone with a prior history of fainting spells or narcolepsy may be more likely to fall unconscious at the wheel.
  • Sleep Deprivation. People with irregular sleep schedules, including truck drivers who spend long hours on the road, may experience drowsiness or lapses in consciousness while driving.

No matter the cause, fatigue is not an excuse for risking the health and safety of other drivers. Robinson Law, PLLC will fight for compensation that redresses you for your damages. If the liable party will not agree to a fair settlement, our attorneys are prepared to litigate your claim in court for a full payout.

Catastrophic Injury in Fatigued Driving Accidents

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimated that from the years of 2017 to 2021, 17.6% of fatal crashes could be traced back to fatigued driving. This is a concerning statistic, but when you consider that fatigued drivers can exhibit a level of impairment similar to drunk drivers, it is not hard to imagine why these accidents so often end in tragedy.

Even when a fatigued driving accident does not result in a casualty, not all drivers walk away with just scrapes and bruises. Sometimes, these collisions lead to catastrophic injuries, causing long-term, frequently irreversible damage to the body. These injuries may include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), burns, damage to the spinal cord, broken bones, and other disfiguring or disabling injuries. T-bone accidents and head-on collisions caused by fatigued truck drivers pose a serious risk to victims due to the forces involved.

A personal injury claim for a catastrophic injury should address the long-term nature of your damages, including any loss to your income or your ability to live independently. At Robinson Law, PLLC, we can work towards securing compensation on your behalf while you focus on recuperating.

Speak With a Fairfax, Virginia Driver Fatigue Truck Accident Lawyer

When a fatigued truck driver causes you to suffer a serious injury, you deserve financial relief for your damages. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our truck accident lawyers in Fairfax are ready to act as compassionate advocates on your behalf, speaking up for your rights when no one else will. To schedule a free consultation with our firm today, contact us at 703-844-3746 or reach out to our attorneys online.


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Fairfax Location

10486 Armstrong St
Fairfax, VA 22030

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