Fairfax, VA Amazon Delivery Accident Attorneys
Experienced Virginia Lawyers for Victims of Amazon Delivery Driver Accidents in Fairfax
Amazon employs whole fleets of drivers to carry out thousands of deliveries every day. When you are struck by one of these delivery drivers, you might find that no one wants to take responsibility for covering your damages. Going against a massive corporation like Amazon can feel like an uphill battle, as the company will often take steps to avoid any liability for accidents, even when its policies have contributed to collisions. A personal injury attorney can advocate for you and fight for the financial remedy you deserve.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, we represent clients in all manner of personal injury claims, including Amazon delivery accidents. In the years since our firm was established, we have received hundreds of glowing reviews from clients we have personally helped, and we have maintained a 10.0 rating on Avvo. We will do everything in our power to make you whole after an Amazon delivery accident, making sure that all of the negligent parties are named in your claim for compensation.
Fault in Amazon Delivery Accidents
Depending on the contributing factors behind the crash, you may be able to hold multiple parties responsible for paying your damages in an Amazon delivery accident. All Amazon drivers have a company-provided insurance policy, whether supplied by Amazon itself or a delivery service partner. Amazon Flex drivers who use their own vehicles to carry out deliveries are also required to carry personal auto insurance, which can serve as another source of compensation in a claim.
But when can Amazon be held directly liable for an accident? If the driver was a full-time Amazon employee, you may be able to file a claim directly against the company, provided that the employee was acting within the scope of his or her job. Even if the driver was contracted through a delivery service partner (and thus not a direct employee), Amazon can still be held liable if there is evidence suggesting it exerted significant control over the contractor's actions.
Damages in Amazon Delivery Accidents
Amazon delivery trucks weigh much more than the average vehicle. Consequently, a crash with one of these trucks carries a higher risk of serious injury, which can leave you hospitalized and out of work for a significant amount of time. In these cases, it is critical that you get all the compensation you can out of your claim. A skilled personal injury attorney can help you recover the following damages:
- Economic Damages: These are quantifiable expenses resulting from an injury, such as the costs of medical treatment, loss of income, lost wages, and damage to your personal property.
- Non-Economic Damages: These are the intangible costs that come with an injury, sometimes called pain and suffering. They include mental anguish, a diminished quality of life, and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
For Amazon delivery accidents in Virginia, there are no caps on economic or non-economic damages. As such, you should not settle for a lowball figure that may be offered by an insurance company. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers can give you a fair appraisal of how much you should be able to get from your claim, and if the liable parties will not pay, we will fight for fair compensation in court.
Meet With a Fairfax, Virginia Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident Lawyer
Getting a full payout for an Amazon delivery accident requires a thorough investigation to establish fault and determine the full extent of your damages. A personal injury attorney can help you with the process of compiling evidence and filing a claim, making sure that your needs are addressed. Robinson Law, PLLC is ready to represent you today. For a free consultation, call us at 703-844-3746 or reach out to our attorneys online.

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