Fairfax Malicious Wounding Lawyers
Skilled Attorneys Representing Clients Charged With Malicious Wounding in Fairfax, Virginia
When tensions escalate, a single act of violence could come with a heap of legal repercussions. In Virginia, the crime of malicious wounding is a felony offense with steep consequences, carrying years of incarceration following a conviction. If you have been charged with this offense, it is imperative that you contact a criminal defense attorney who can provide you with the legal counsel and representation you need to avoid a harsh sentence.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, our lawyers have experience defending clients against allegations of violent crimes and other serious offenses. When you work with our Fairfax attorneys, we will give you our full attention as we help you effectively contest a charge of malicious wounding in court.
What Is Malicious Wounding?
Malicious wounding is a more severe assault and battery offense, characterized by an attack resulting in injury with the intent to disfigure, maim, disable, or kill. This offense is charged as a Class 3 felony, which carries anywhere from five to 20 years in prison and a fine no greater than $100,000. This is a significant step up from assault and battery, which is a Class 1 misdemeanor in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The implications of a felony conviction are far-reaching. You will be disqualified from owning a gun, voting, or running for office until you appeal to have your civil rights restored. Furthermore, your employment opportunities may be severely restricted after a malicious wounding conviction, alongside the stigma you will have to bear in your community. A criminal defense lawyer can help you minimize the impact of these penalties, striving for the most optimal outcome in your case.
Aggravated Malicious Wounding
When an act of malicious wounding results in severe injury and "permanent physical impairment," the charge is increased to aggravated malicious wounding. This is a Class 2 felony punishable by a minimum of 20 years of incarceration with the possibility of a life sentence, as well as a possible fine of up to $100,000. Wounding a pregnant woman with malicious intent is also prosecuted as a Class 2 felony if it results in severe injury and permanent impairment to the mother or if the pregnancy is terminated.
Defenses Against Malicious Wounding Charges
Despite the pressure you may be feeling from the prosecution, you should remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. Our criminal defense attorneys may use different strategies to have the charges against you reduced or dropped, such as:
- Mistaken Identity: It is entirely possible for the police to detain the wrong person based on an unclear description of the attacker.
- Lack of Intent: If you injured another person without meaning to maim, disable, disfigure, or kill, you could have the charge reduced to unlawful wounding, a lesser offense.
- Self-Defense: If there was a clear and imminent risk to yourself or others that necessitated the use of force, the charges against you could be reduced or dismissed.
- Mutual Consent: In some cases, you may be able to assert that you and the alleged victim had agreed to fight beforehand.
The best defenses are built upon clear legal precedent and tailored to the specific details of your case. A criminal defense attorney at Robinson Law, PLLC can meet with you to discuss possible strategies before you appear in court.
Meet With a Fairfax, VA Malicious Wounding Defense Attorney
A charge of malicious wounding can ruin your life if it is not properly contested. A skilled criminal defense lawyer in Fairfax can advocate on your behalf to make sure your freedoms are protected in court. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience, giving us the insight to fight allegations of violent crimes on behalf of our clients. To schedule a free consultation with our legal professionals, call us at 703-844-3746 or reach out to us online.

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