Fairfax, VA Drug Manufacturing Lawyers
Aggressive Virginia Attorneys for Drug Manufacturing Charges in Fairfax
If you have been accused of manufacturing a controlled substance in Virginia, it is important to know what exactly you stand to lose in a criminal trial. In general, the state prosecutes drug crimes very harshly, but manufacturing comes with especially grave punishments following a conviction. Working with a criminal defense attorney is critical for protecting your future and avoiding a harsh sentence.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, we represent clients in Fairfax against drug manufacturing charges, fighting for the most optimal outcome in any given case. Previous clients at our firm have praised our dedication and strategic approach to criminal defense, resulting in over 350 5-star reviews.
Penalties for Drug Manufacturing in Virginia
The severity of a drug manufacturing charge will vary from case to case, but it often comes down to the schedule of the manufactured drug. Schedule I and II drugs are considered to be the most dangerous substances with a high risk for abuse, and therefore, they carry the most severe penalties, while Schedule VI drugs come with the lightest penalties. The sentencing guidelines are as follows:
- Manufacturing Schedule I and II drugs is a felony offense punishable by a minimum of 5 years to a maximum of 40 years in prison for a first conviction. For a second conviction, you can be sentenced from five years to life in prison, or ten to life on a third conviction. A conviction of this crime may also include a $500,000 fine.
- Manufacturing a Schedule III drug is prosecuted as a Class 5 felony, carrying up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500.
- Manufacturing a Schedule IV drug is a Class 6 felony, carrying up to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500.
- Manufacturing a Schedule V or VI drug (or an imitation mimicking its effects) is a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by a year of jail time and/or a possible fine of up to $2,500.
To give an example, heroin and LSD are Schedule I drugs, and therefore put you at the highest risk of serious penalties for a conviction. You may be able to avoid a mandatory prison sentence based on certain mitigating factors, such as a nonviolent offense or a first conviction. Note also that the manufacture of methamphetamine is prosecuted more strictly than other drugs in Virginia.
Your Fourth Amendment Rights in a Drug Manufacturing Charge
Officers of the law sometimes resort to extreme measures to get people convicted on drug charges, including offenses related to manufacturing. However, your rights under the Fourth Amendment protect you from unlawful search and seizure. What this means is that any drugs, paraphernalia, or other evidence against you must have been acquired legally, at the risk of having that evidence thrown out of court. More specifically, the evidence against you must have been secured with your consent, with a warrant, or in plain view of an officer.
Our attorneys will interrogate the methods used to charge you with drug manufacturing. If we find that your protections against unreasonable search and seizure were not respected, we will work to have the evidence against you suppressed, which could result in the dismissal of your case.
Meet With a Fairfax, Virginia Drug Crimes Defense Attorney for Drug Manufacturing
Depending on the substances you have been accused of manufacturing, you could be sentenced to years behind bars if you are convicted on drug charges. A criminal defense attorney in Fairfax can protect your freedoms, working to defend against a conviction and reducing the impact of these charges on your life.
Attorney Michael Robinson of Robinson Law, PLLC has previous legal experience as a prosecutor, which allows him to strategize around drug charges by anticipating the arguments prosecutors may use against you. To schedule a free consultation with our experienced attorneys, call our offices at 703-844-3746 or contact us online.

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