Fairfax, Virginia Federal Weapons Charges Lawyers
Skilled Attorneys Defending Against Federal Charges Involving Firearms in Fairfax, VA
In Virginia, certain offenses involving firearms and other weapons can attract the federal government's attention, which can come with stricter prosecution and steeper punishments following a conviction. In cases like these, it is critical that you get in touch with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can protect your rights from federal prosecutors who may try to pursue the maximum sentence.
At Robinson Law, PLLC, our Fairfax attorneys represent clients against allegations of federal weapons charges and other federal crimes. With over 50 years of experience among our attorneys, we will bring all of our knowledge, skills, and resources to bear in your defense. When you work with us, we can clarify the nuances behind federal law, making sure that you go to trial fully informed of your rights.
Prohibited Possession of a Firearm
Though the Constitution protects the rights of U.S. citizens to own guns, federal law prohibits certain people from possessing firearms. These prohibited persons include:
- Convicted felons
- Illegal aliens
- Domestic abusers convicted on misdemeanor domestic violence charges
- People who have been committed to a mental institution in the past
- Fugitives from the law
- Anyone subject to a protective order based on accusations of abuse against a family member
- Former Armed Forces members who were dishonorably discharged
Anyone found in violation of this law can be punished by up to a decade in prison, and possibly more if they have any previous convictions for violent felony offenses. The same prison sentence applies to those who knowingly sell a firearm or ammunition to these prohibited persons.
Selling Firearms Without a License
If you are accused of engaging in the business of selling guns without the proper licensure, you could face serious penalties in a court of federal law. "Engaging in business" usually entails repetitive, regular sales, rather than the occasional transaction as a hobbyist. If you are convicted, you can be punished by five years of incarceration and a fine no greater than $250,000. A conviction for this offense may also restrict your ability to legally own or purchase guns in the future.
Carrying a Firearm in a School Zone
The federal government has strict regulations regarding the possession of guns in school zones. With some exceptions, such as holders of concealed carry permits and law enforcement officers, knowingly bringing a firearm onto school grounds is a federal misdemeanor. If convicted, you could be imprisoned for up to five years and be fined up to $5,000. The same penalties apply if you are accused of unlawfully discharging a firearm in a school zone.
Using a Firearm in a Drug Trafficking Offense
Knowingly carrying, discharging, or otherwise using a gun in furtherance of drug trafficking is a federal offense with severe punishments. If convicted, you will face strict minimum prison sentences, as follows:
- Carrying a Firearm: Five-year minimum prison sentence.
- Brandishing a Firearm: Seven-year minimum prison sentence.
- Discharging a Firearm: Ten-year minimum prison sentence.
The same penalties apply for carrying, brandishing, or discharging a firearm in the furtherance of a violent offense. A skilled attorney can help present a credible defense against these charges. Depending on the circumstances, your attorney could argue that you were not aware of the gun in your possession or that there was no link between the gun and the drug trafficking offense. If you stand accused of this offense, Robinson Law, PLLC can strategize with you and discuss your options for contesting the charge.
Meet With a Fairfax Federal Weapons Charges Defense Attorney
When a state gun charge escalates to a federal violation, the stakes become much higher. At Robinson Law, PLLC, our Fairfax criminal defense lawyers can represent you as you defend against serious federal weapons offenses, advocating for your rights during your case. To schedule a free consultation today, call us at 703-844-3746 or contact us online.

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