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Defend Your Freedom When Dealing With Prosecutors

Prosecutors hold considerable power in the criminal justice system. Much like interacting with police, you must take a strategic and calculated approach when interacting with prosecutors, as saying the wrong things or giving too much away could hurt your case.

The attorneys at  Robinson Law, PLLC , can help you confidently navigate your conversations with prosecutors and offer experienced guidance to help you address their questions effectively.

What Is The Role Of A Prosecutor?

The role of a prosecutor is to uphold state laws and hold anyone who breaks them accountable. While they can’t determine if you’re guilty, they can decide how severe your charges are, what the penalties for those charges will be, and whether or not you qualify for a plea bargain.

Even when prosecutors wield their power responsibly, the decisions they make in a criminal case can limit your freedoms and future opportunities. But a good criminal defense attorney can make a big difference, especially when the jury can decide your fate.

How To Interact With Prosecutors

Here’s how you can interact with them successfully:

  • Remain brief:  You probably won’t speak with a prosecutor until your trial. However, like talking to the police, keep your answers truthful but short. The prosecutor may ask more open-ended questions than a police officer, so it’s important to be honest without giving away too much information.
  • Get context to the questions they’re asking:  Some of the prosecutor’s questions may not make sense at first. Before answering those questions, ask for context if you don’t fully understand them. It’s important to know exactly what they’re asking so you can respond appropriately. Doing so can help you appear confident and competent in front of a jury.
  • Listen to your counsel:  Before your court date, your lawyer will likely teach you how to answer the prosecutor’s questions. Listen to their advice carefully, as this likely isn’t the first time they’ve dealt with your type of case or with the same prosecutor.

How you answer prosecutors’ questions can significantly impact your case and how the jury may perceive you. Keeping these tips in mind can help you seek the outcome you desire.

How Not To Interact With Prosecutors

Here are a few things to avoid:

  • Agreeing to a deal you don’t understand:  Sometimes, a prosecutor may try to negotiate your charges with you. In theory, their offer might sound like a good deal. However, if you don’t ask for clarification before accepting, you could be in for an ugly surprise.
  • Giving them information they don’t know:  Much like police, prosecutors may also try to act like your friend when speaking with them. They may do this to build trust and get you to provide them with more information. However, by telling them more than they need to know, they could use your answers as evidence against you later in your case.

Making these mistakes could potentially hurt your case. However, taking advice from your lawyer before you take the stand can make a significant difference.

Get The Legal Guidance You Deserve – Call Today

Facing prosecutors can feel frightening, but it doesn’t have to. We can help you prepare for your criminal trial so you can address their questions strategically and effectively. Call 703-844-3746 or visit our contact page to set up your free consultation today.


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