Arlington, VA Criminal Defense Lawyers
Aggressive Attorneys Representing Clients in Criminal Cases in Arlington, Virginia
If you have been charged with a crime in Virginia, the law will come down hard on you. The prosecutor in your case is likely to pursue a harsh sentence, as even misdemeanor offenses in the state come with severe penalties. A criminal defense attorney in Arlington can give you a voice in an unsympathetic courtroom, making sure that a judge hears your side of the story. The lawyers at Robinson Law, PLLC have over 50 years of combined experience, entering every case with confidence and a deep understanding of criminal law. When you work with us, we will explore every possible defense for your criminal charge based on our past successes.
Sex Crimes
Allegations of sex crimes in Virginia are deathly serious. Without aggressive legal representation, you could have your reputation ruined or be condemned to life behind bars. With your freedom at stake, you should not take any chances by representing yourself or working with an overburdened public defender. The lawyers at Robinson Law, PLLC will fight every allegation of misconduct to have the charges against you minimized or dismissed. We handle cases of prostitution, rape, possession of child pornography, false accusations, and more.
If you have been charged with a sex crime, you may be interrogated by law enforcement under the pretense of wanting to "clear things up." In these situations, we urge you to remain silent except to exercise your right to speak with an attorney in private. Completely innocent people are often convicted of sex crimes based on false confessions or statements given under duress.
Domestic Violence
The label of "domestic abuser" can be a permanent black mark on your name in your community. As such, it is important to challenge any allegations of domestic violence with the help of a criminal defense attorney who can consult with you about the specifics of your case.
What separates domestic violence from the crime of assault and battery is the identity of the victim. Under Virginia law, you can be charged with domestic violence if the alleged victim is a "family or household member," including:
- Your current or former spouse
- Your romantic partner or someone you dated in the past
- Your co-parent
- Your parent and/or stepparent
- Your child or stepchild
- Your sibling or half-sibling
- Your grandparent or grandchild
- Your in-laws with whom you share a residence
For a first offense, domestic violence is usually charged as a Class 1 misdemeanor with the possibility of a year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. However, on a third or subsequent conviction, you can be charged with a Class 6 felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Theft and Larceny
Crimes involving theft and larceny are harshly penalized in Virginia, with penalties depending on the value of the stolen goods. For the theft of items worth $1,000 or less, you will be charged with petit larceny, a Class 1 misdemeanor. The charge jumps up to grand larceny, a felony offense, if the total value of the items is above $1,000. Moreover, stealing a gun is always classified as a felony, regardless of how much it was worth.
Selling or distributing stolen goods is also charged as a criminal offense in Virginia. The main element of this crime is intent, as the prosecutor must prove that you knowingly possessed stolen goods and intended to distribute them. A criminal defense lawyer can make a case for your innocence, arguing that you were not planning on selling the items or were not aware the items were illegally obtained.
Meet With an Arlington Criminal Defense Attorney
A criminal conviction in Virginia can ruin your life. If you have been arrested in Arlington, the defense attorneys at Robinson Law, PLLC are only a phone call away. To schedule a free consultation and begin discussing your case, contact our offices at 703-844-3746 or reach out to us online.

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